Virtual Reality Experiences
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality projects for the New York Times and The New Yorker
Thomas Heatherwicks Vessel
Virtual Reality illustration for The New Yorker the huge Thomas Heatherwick structure in New York.
See the interactive drawing on The New Yorker website. Works on mobile or desktop no app download necessary.

My Trip to the DMZ
An experimental 360º Sketchbook about my tourist trip to the border between North and South Korea, for the New York Times Magazine.
To view the project click here.
(No app or special browser needed! This works on mobile, desktop and with Google Cardboard)

On the Go
Augmented Reality Cover for The New Yorker.
Front and back cover for the print issue, leading to an AR experience, when seen with the UNCOVR app.
For information and download links for the app read the New Yorker Cover Story.

Hand animated 360º Video for the New Yorker Tennis cover.
To view on a desktop computer, click here
(please use the latest version of Chrome, Opera or Firefox).
(Safari for desktop does not support the 360 effect!)
To view on Android, click here and chose “Open in the YouTube app”.
Download the YouTube App for Android here.
To view on iOS/iPhone, open the video in the YouTube app.
(Safari for iOS does not support the 360 degree effect!).
Download the YouTube App for iOS here.
The video also works with Google Cardboard.

For more info, read the New Yorker Cover Story.