Sunday Sketches
A small selection from the Sunday Sketch series is available as a limited edition signed art print.
“When I work on my Sunday Sketches, it’s never about a sudden inspired spark. I pick a random object, and then I just stare at it. I look at it from different angles, play with the light (usually just by moving my desk lamp). And I try to open my mind as wide as possible, to see if a peculiar angle reminds me of a familar shape.
More often than not this yields… nothing.
And when it does, I doubt it’s because I have a special gift at making these visual connections. It’s because sometimes I have the stamina to keep on staring, when a saner person would do the reasonable thing and get on with their life instead.”
For updates follow Abstract Sunday on Instagram
Available as a signed and numbered print.
Available as a signed and numbered print.
Available as a signed and numbered print.
Available as a signed and numbered print.
Available as a signed and numbered print.
Available as a signed and numbered print.
Available as a signed and numbered print.
Available as a signed and numbered print
Available as a signed and numbered print.
See also:
Gallery of Photo Drawings
The book “Sunday Sketching”
Limited edition art print editions of selected Sunday Sketches