I’ve always loved snow. When I was a kid though, I only cared about the pristine winter-wonderland kind.
On one of the few nights when it had snowed, I would be equally excited, and also filled with dread, knowing that usually by noon, everything would have dissolved in a brown mess.
As an artist who loves to work with negative space there’s obviously few subjects better than snow. But over the years I’ve become more fascinated with the less romantic aspects pf snow: the difficult to move about, the slush, the monochromatic dark palette.
Here are a number of drawings — from landscapes to New Yorker covers.
The original ink drawings are already sold, but some of images are available as silkscreen prints.

Park City Utah

Vienna, for Museums Quartier, Wien

Highways and Byways, for The New Yorker, available as a silkscreen print


View from a train Window

Winter path, available as a print


Whiteout for The New Yorker


Lake St Moritz, large format 3 color silk silk screen print


Winter Hike, 6 color silkscreen

Humboldt Hain