Dispatch from Europe
Visual essays about the state of the European Union for the New York Times Magazine
Chapter 1: London
Chapter 2: Tallinn (scroll down)

Chapter 1: London
“The Break Up”
“What the hell is going on in Europe?” That’s what Christoph’s editors at the New York Times Magazine asked him. For his visual essay “The Breakup”, he figured the best place to start finding out was London.
Read the full animated story on Brexit, De Gaulle, Holbein, Henry VIII and local politics here.

Chapter 2: Tallinn
“In Praise of a Normal, Boring Country”
Christoph continued to explore Europe’s state of the union. For the second chapter of his illustrated Brexit explainer, he decided to take a 27-hour bus trip from Berlin to Tallinn.
Read the full animated story on his trip to the Baltic states here.