Selected Illustration Projects

“Fatigue” for an article by Anthony Lane in the New Yorker

“Imagining my ideal workspace for Herman Miller: it would have views of ships, trains, skyscrapers. A lot of space, a sofa and an Ellsworth Kelly painting above a piano. Also: direct access to an art supply store and a good pal working next door. Most importantly: newly invented wireless electricity so the whole place would not have a single cable!”

50 year anniversary of BMW headquarters

Drawings for the “Men’s Fashion Book” published by Phaidon

Cover for the new record of Igor Levit: ON DSCH

Cover for the New York Times Book Review on “The Guntanamo Diaries” by Mohamedou Ould Slahi.

“Night Trains” for The New Yorker

Drawing for The New Yorker: “The Earthquake that will destroy Seattle”